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Saturday, 25 January 2014

Before I start explaining each of them, let me just brief you on why they are actually implemented in cars and what is their purpose. Internal combustion engines i.e four stroke ones, produce a specific amount of horsepower but car lovers who wish to increase the performance of their vehicles, get Turbocharger or Supercharger on their engines. These devices act as as enhancers and increase the horsepower of the vehicle by almost 30 to 40%, thereby adding a lot more thrust.


Image Credit-Howstuffworks
A turbocharger is basically a centrifugal compressor driven by a turbine which is run by the exhaust gases or emission gases coming out of the your car’s engine. The compressor used in the construction compresses the air which is about to enter the engine, to high pressure. With increased pressure, the weight or amount of fuel entering the same space inside the engine is increased. In this way, the burning of fuel is more efficient inside the engine chamber and it eventually results in greater performance of the vehicle from the same displacement of engine without need of a larger displacement engine. For example, if you put 30% more fuel in the same engine cylinder, the burning of that fuel will produce about 30% more power from the same size of engine.


Image Credit-Howstuffworks
A supercharger is very much similar to a turbocharger with a compressor used for forcing high pressure air into the engine. The major difference being that in case of the supercharger, the engine itself runs the turbocharger whereas in turbocharger, the energy of escaping  exhaust gases or emission, which otherwise goes waste, is used to run the compressor. With more compressed air, more oxygen and fuel reaches the combustion chamber, hence more power is developed.
In general a supercharger and turbocharger are the same sort of arrangements but have a set of characteristics that distinguish the two.

Difference Between Supercharger & Turbocharger

  • Firstly the driving power of the two units is considered. The compressors in Superchargers are driven by the power taken directly from the engine whereas as mentioned above for driving a turbocharger unit the exhaust gases are used. Since the supercharger draws mechanical energy from the engine directly it is less efficient when compared to a turbocharger which uses the waste gas energy.
  • With this advantage of turbochargers over superchargers, the former are used where fuel economy is a concern i.e in many of the present cars, whereas the superchargers are employed in sports cars which are meant for faster speeds and not better economy.
  • Secondly a supercharger is easier to control in terms of the power output while the turbochargers are known for their dramatic rise in pressures and tremendously high working temperatures making them inherently more difficult to control at the time when they deliver the additional power.
  • Another important difference between the two is that since the supercharger is driven directly by the engine through belts, the response of the same is pretty instantaneous and a sudden increase in power is observed. On the other hand in turbochargers, exhaust gases control the drive and hence the system takes a bit of time before it it reaches the operating speed after opening the throttle which is also referred to asTurbo Lag.
  • Complexity in design is another factor and at this point turbocharger takes the lead with its compactness and require significantly less space. In contrast a supercharger is more difficult to adopt in a car and the modification is too time consuming as more space is needed for the same.
  • Expensiveness of the two is quite differentiating with the superchargers being more costly than a conventional turbocharger. Now a days all vehicle having either supercharger or turbocharger, are intercooled. Since the temperature of the compressed incoming air is high, an intercooler is used to cool this air making it more efficient in terms of combustion.
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Wednesday, 11 September 2013

About NEC SAE Collegiate club

National Engineering College, Kovilpatti, Tamil Nadu offers a wide variety of high quality education and training opportunities for every student, awarding qualifications through the highly reputed Anna University that is recognized as world class. The college offers 7 under-graduate and 9 post graduate programs in a wide range of disciplines. Sprawled in a green luxuriant campus, with the alluring backdrop of an enchanting hillock, in NH7 between Madurai and Tirunelveli, NEC provides an exemplary locale for academic pursuits in South Tamilnadu. 

NEC SAE is a club formed of resourceful National engineering college students looking to learn about the application and optimization of various driving systems of vehicles while attending BAJA .

(Image:NEC SAE collegiate club Openining in presence of our beloved director) 

BAJA is tasked, in a multinational competition usually competing against over 120 other colleges, to build a rugged single seat off road vehicle while adhering to BAJA SAE national safety standards and using only a 10 horsepower Briggs and Stratton engine. The objective is to engineer the car around those stipulations and optimize the resulting product to win at competition held every year in June. This year, 2013,we had fully fledged our dedicated resources to participate in BAJA 2014.

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Autokivnta 2012 - NEC SAE

Autokivinta 2012 is a yearly inter college event conducted by our SAE collegiate club team  to witness the evolution of new promising technologies every day. Here, at Autokivinta 2012, we had provided, the future leaders of technology revolution, a befitting platform for unleashing your potential and expertise.

(VIDEO: Autokivinta'12 pre-Teaser video conducted on september 28 th)

Autokivinta 2012, a one day national level technical extravaganza is being conducted by the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) collegiate club of NATIONAL ENGINEERING COLLEGE, the star and proactive international club of NEC. Through our meticulously framed avant-garde events, we intend at providing ample number of opportunities to present your conceptualization of ideas, creativity and application of engineering principles.

This generis technical autokivinta is loaded with quintessential and captivating technical events.The stand out event of this flight of fancy is the WATER ROCKETRY event which tests your skills in making a well-engineered water rocket capable sustaining flight and path for a good amount of time.

If the number of evolving technologies is sea-size the competition for the survival of the fittest and well-engineered technologies is ocean-size. So not just evolving innovative technologies is sufficient battling it out with others amidst other such is the real test.
So tune up your engines and get ready to be carried away by the turbulence and embrace yourself with pride and honor by surviving it on Autokivinta 2013.

“If we can't give it, you won't need it”

Success comes only after large leaps. So leap out to face this stiffest challenge ever and make success by unveiling your inner self and fighting all the odds.
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Workshop / Autoshow

Two days Inter-college Workshop and Auto-expo:

The Society of Automotive Engineers collegiate club of National Engineering College is Conducting the event AUTOKIVNTA '13 on OCT 10 - 11, 2013 . This event comprises of a workshop on "Recent Trends in Automobiles "and a "automobile exhibition" in which more that 15 car manufacturers will display their variants. Students willing to attend this event register yourself in this website " " the fee for this workshop is Rs.450/- for SAE Members and Rs.500/- for others. 

Every participant must register online from the above website and Demand Draft DD should be taken in the favour of "THE PRINCIPAL, National Engineering College",payable at Kovilpatti.Filled in REGISTRATION FORM & DD should be sent to "Mr. G. Essakimuthu, Associate Professor (Sr. Gr.) Department of Mechanical Engineering, SAE - Staff Coordinator, NEC, Kovilpatti. 


1.Event Date -October 10 th &11th
2.Event Comprises of workshop & Automeet
3.Online Registration is a must "REGISTER HERE
4.Registration Fee for SAE members -Rs 450
5.Registration Fee for Non SAE members -Rs 500
6.DD in favor of "THE PRINCIPAL, National Engineering College", payable at Kovilpatti.
7.DD with REGISTRATION FORM should be sent to" Mr. G. Essakimuthu,Department of Mechanical Engineering, NEC, Kovilpatti-628503
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IC Engine Powered RC Car race -Events Autokivnta 2013

Machine Specifications:

1. Machine should fit in a box of dimensions 800 mm x 600 mm x 600 mm (l x b x h) at any moment of time during the race. The external device which is used to control the machine is not included in the size constraint.

2. The machine should be controlled by a wireless remote control mechanism throughout the race.
3. The machine must not be made from Lego parts, or any ready-made assembly kits other than the parts mentioned below. Readily available chassis layouts are not allowed. Any machine found having a ready-made chassis will be disqualified.
4. The machine may be roughly classified into structural and functional parts:
Functional parts - Gears, differential gear, engine, springs, shock absorbers, servo motors (non-propulsion purposes only), batteries, wheels, wheel hub are allowed to be used as available in the market.
Structural parts - Chassis, steering mechanism, shock towers and suspension (excluding upper suspension arm, suspension spring and shock absorbers) have to be built by the participants themselves.
Judging for the same will be strict and the participant will be immediately disqualified if any of the above structural components are found to be ready-made. 
5. The tires used must have a minimum diameter of 3 inches. You are advised to use tyres of good width for better performance on dirt tracks.
6. Brake Mechanism: It is compulsory to incorporate braking mechanism in the car. Participants have to fabricate the brake pad as a part of the braking mechanism. Any other part used in braking mechanism (including the brake disk) can be ready-made. 
7. Wheel Hub: Any part rigidly attached to the wheel hub will be considered as a part of it and hence can be ready-made. An example here is that of the ball stud.
8. Steering Mechanism: Any part which is connected to steering rod rigidly i.e. has no degrees of freedom with respect to steering rod (example: heim joint) will be considered as part of steering rod and thus has to be fabricated by participants.

Propulsion & Steering

1. The machine must use only mechanical power generated by an internal combustion (IC) engine for propulsion. Only one IC engine should be used in the machine. Use of any other sources such as chemicals, compressed gas, rockets etc. is not allowed.

2. Any machine which uses DC Motors for propulsion will be disqualified. However DC motors and servos can be used for steering mechanisms or any other control mechanisms apart from propulsion.
3. The machine must have an on-board power supply to run any mechanism requiring electric power.
4. The maximum allowed capacity of IC engine to be used is 4.6 cc (i.e. Participants can also use 2.5 cc, 3 cc, 3.5 cc or any other IC engine lower in capacity).
5. The electric voltage anywhere in the machine should not exceed 12V at any point of time.
6. There shall be a countdown preceding the start of the race. No participant is allowed to touch the machine during the countdown period.
7. Providing a clutch mechanism between the engine and the wheel would prove useful, as it would prevent the engine from dying out at any stage of the race.
8. Participants are advised to use a proper cooling mechanism to prevent overheating of the engine
9. Participants are advised to use sway bars for better control and stability.
10. The participants are advised to use proper air filters as dirt might cause seriou s problems to the engine.
11. Readymade wheels are allowed.
12. The machine will be inspected and if found to be dangerous, the team will be disqualified. This decision rests solely with the judges and the organizers.

Game Rules

1. There will be a qualifying session with each team getting 2 laps out of which the faster lap will be considered. Note that these laps will have to be taken successively.

2. The top teams from the qualifying rounds will make it to the second round.
3. After the qualifying round there will be races with multiple cars racing at a time. So the participants must use remote with frequency of band spectrum 2.4 GHz.
4. The track will have check points at regular intervals. If a machine tumbles, or halts, or goes off the arena at any point on the track, one of the team members is allowed to lift it up and place it at the nearest checkpoint behind that point. The time shall still be running in the meantime.
5. Team members are not permitted to touch either their machines or those of their opponents once the race begins (unless there is need to lift the machine as stated in fifth point). The penalty for doing so is disqualification.
6. In the qualification round there will be maximum two team members allowed from a team in the racing arena while in the final round only one of the team member will be in the racing arena except the controller on the stand.
7. The machines are not allowed to leave any loose parts on any part of the arena. Any machine disintegrating during the race will be disqualified.
8. If any of the machines starts off before the flag is waved, the counter would be restarted and the machines will get a second chance. However, if any machine starts off before the waving of flag (or countdown) for a second time, it will be disqualified. No re-match will be held for the second time.
9. Teams are not allowed to purposefully damage the machine of the opponent's team. If found doing so on track (while racing), the concerned team will be disqualified. Execution of last three rules will be subjective and relies completely on judges' discretion.

Control Rules ***

1. Participants are required to use a remote control of frequency of band spectrum 2.4 GHz.

2. The above rule is to ensure that there is no frequency clash during the competition and participants are not allowed to use any other remotes with frequency other than 2.4 GHz.
General Rules

1. The teams may obtain a time slot for practice before first round of the game. The number of practice slots will be limited and the slots will be given on a first come first served basis. The teams will get to use the track only during the time of their practice slot. Any requests for using the track at any other time will not be entertained.

2. Any team that is not ready at the time specified will be eliminated from the competition automatically.
3. The teams must adhere to the spirit of healthy competition. The teams must not damage the opponent's machine in any way. Judges reserve the right to disqualify any team indulged in misbehaviour.
4. The name of your machine should be prominently displayed on the machine.
5. Judges decision shall be treated as final and binding on all.
6. The organizers reserve the rights to change any or all of the above rules as they deem fit. Change in rules, if any will be highlighted on the website and notified to the registered participants.

For Further Details:

Azhagu siva sundar-9790106238
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Registration -Autokivnta 2013

The Society of Automotive Engineers collegiate club of National Engineering College is Conducting the event AUTOKIVNTA '13 on OCT 10 - 11, 2013 . This event comprises of a workshop on "Recent Trends in Automobiles "and a "automobile exhibition" in which more that 15 car manufacturers will display their variants. Students willing to attend this event register yourself here, the fee for this workshop is Rs.450/- for SAE Members and Rs.500/- for others.

    Autokivnta 2013-National Engineering college

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Monday, 29 April 2013

Autokivnta 2012

Autokivinta 2012 is a yearly inter college event conducted by our SAE collegiate club team  to witness the evolution of new promising technologies every day. Here, at Autokivinta 2012, we had provided, the future leaders of technology revolution, a befitting platform for unleashing your potential and expertise.

(VIDEO: Autokivinta'12 pre-Teaser video conducted on september 28 th)

Autokivinta 2012, a one day national level technical extravaganza is being conducted by the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) collegiate club of NATIONAL ENGINEERING COLLEGE, the star and proactive international club of NEC. Through our meticulously framed avant-garde events, we intend at providing ample number of opportunities to present your conceptualization of ideas, creativity and application of engineering principles.

This generis technical autokivinta is loaded with quintessential and captivating technical events.The stand out event of this flight of fancy is the WATER ROCKETRY event which tests your skills in making a well-engineered water rocket capable sustaining flight and path for a good amount of time.
If the number of evolving technologies is sea-size the competition for the survival of the fittest and well-engineered technologies is ocean-size. So not just evolving innovative technologies is sufficient battling it out with others amidst other such is the real test.
So tune up your engines and get ready to be carried away by the turbulence and embrace yourself with pride and honor by surviving it on
Autokivinta 2013.

“If we can't give it, you won't need it”

Success comes only after large leaps. So leap out to face this stiffest challenge ever and make success by unveiling your inner self and fighting all the odds.
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