Workshop / Autoshow
Two days Inter-college Workshop and Auto-expo:
The Society of Automotive Engineers collegiate club of National Engineering College is Conducting the event AUTOKIVNTA '13 on OCT 10 - 11, 2013 . This event comprises of a workshop on "Recent Trends in Automobiles "and a "automobile exhibition" in which more that 15 car manufacturers will display their variants. Students willing to attend this event register yourself in this website " " the fee for this workshop is Rs.450/- for SAE Members and Rs.500/- for others.Every participant must register online from the above website and Demand Draft DD should be taken in the favour of "THE PRINCIPAL, National Engineering College",payable at Kovilpatti.Filled in REGISTRATION FORM & DD should be sent to "Mr. G. Essakimuthu, Associate Professor (Sr. Gr.) Department of Mechanical Engineering, SAE - Staff Coordinator, NEC, Kovilpatti.
1.Event Date -October 10 th &11th2.Event Comprises of workshop & Automeet
3.Online Registration is a must "REGISTER HERE"
4.Registration Fee for SAE members -Rs 450
5.Registration Fee for Non SAE members -Rs 500
6.DD in favor of "THE PRINCIPAL, National Engineering College", payable at Kovilpatti.
7.DD with REGISTRATION FORM should be sent to" Mr. G. Essakimuthu,Department of Mechanical Engineering, NEC, Kovilpatti-628503